Monday, December 28, 2015

My "Netflix and Eat a Pound of Chocolate by Yourself" Picks

It's winter break, so if you're like me, you're back home with nothing to do. You've seen the friends you wanted to see, Christmas is over, and you have nothing to do. 

Since you're bored out of your mind, you turn to your trusty pal Netflix to keep you occupied. Except, (don't forget, we're assuming you're just like me for a moment) you can't do the whole "Netflix and chill" thing because you're lonely single, you choose to do the whole "Netflix and eat a pound of chocolate* by yourself" thing.
*you can replace a pound of chocolate with whatever snack or portion size you deem fit

Personally, I'm a big fan of watching TV shows during break. I can devote the entire break to watching a new show and by the end, I have 4 or 5 new "friends" that I know really well (because I spend all of my time inside avoiding people I might know in real life)

But movies are also really great because they're cinematic masterpieces. I love old movies because there's just something special about them. But during break, I like to rewatch a lot of movies from my childhood because, well, I'm in my childhood home. Plus, you can always get your family to comfortably watch them with you because no one will feel awkward when there's no awkward sex scenes.

So, without further ado, here are my Netflix suggestions for break, and may the force be with you.

1. Parks and Recreation-
Leslie, Ann, Tom, Donna, Jerry, Andy, April, and Ron are trying to build a park, but it's so much more. They're funny. They're loveable. They get involved in shenanigans. I guarantee by the end of this show you will consider the characters family. 

2. Roman Holdiay-
Audrey Hepburn is honestly #goals and Gregory Peck is really hot. This movie is super cute and charming. Blair Waldorf approves. I promise you will love it. I also promise that you'll probably get onto your school's study abroad page and start looking for trips to Rome right after. 

3. Gossip Girl-
I wasn't going to include this, but if you didn't get the Blair Waldorf reference above, you're seriously missing out. Blair, Serena, Nate, and Chuck are super wealthy and they do whatever they want. Live vicariously through them while you sit at home.

4. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt-
When your mom asks what you do each day and you want to have an accomplishment to tell her, watch this. It's 13 episodes that are only about 25 minutes long, so you'll easily finish it in one sitting. It's pretty funny and Jon Hamm is in it, so basically what I'm saying is you're welcome.

5. Legally Blonde-
I'm pretty sure you've seen this, but you should definitely watch it again, especially if it's been a while. Elle Woods is totally relateable and she's very inspirational. Plus, grades were just released and depending on your GPA, you may need some motivation.

6. Once Upon a Time-
It's basically grown up Disney. You're home and you definitely watched Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, and Peter Pan there back in the day. So why not watch them now when you're a grown up? Plus, it's packed full of action, drama, and comedy, so the slipper will fit. 

7. A Shonda Rhimes Show
Listen, you knew you wouldn't get through a list of Netflix picks without a shout out to the queen of TV. Grey's Anatomy is a classic binge-worthy show, and for good reason. But if you don't feel like devoting your time to the 11 seasons on Netflix, choose Scandal (4 seasons) or How to Get Away with Murder (1 season).

Bonus: scroll all the way down to the documentary section. Pick one. You'll seem smart for watching one.

What I'm Watching Next:
1. Lee Daniel's the Butler
2. Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
3. Madam Secretary
4. Pretty Little Liars
5. The Hours

Let me know your suggestions!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Being Sick in College (and how to make it less miserable)

Unfortunately, I had to deal with a lot of fomo during my first semester in college...because I got really, really sick. 

I had been going to student health at least once a week since the end of October (which is notorious for being unsuccessful in treating patients) because of some stomach issues. But a month later, I thought my allergies caused me to have a sinus infection, so I made another trip to student health to get some antibiotics so I could be better in two days.

I was pretty convinced it was an allergy related thing. I have bad sinuses to begin with and combined with a mold allergy, I usually get a sinus infection in the fall while the leaves decay. Plus, I was taking my vitamins, washing my hands, and doing everything I could to keep myself from getting sick. 

So imagine my surprise when the doctor told me I had mono. 
And then when she told me I could expect to be sick for the next 6 to 8 weeks. 

I called my mom (while I was crying too, because you know, multitasking) as soon as I left. 
I was scared, upset, and insanely stressed. How could I miss class? Finals were soon, how could I possibly do well? How was I going to get better if the only treatment was rest and ibuprofen? 

Luckily for me, this wasn't the first time someone had been sick at UVA (which is actually unlucky for the first guy to get sick...yikes). My deans were so understanding and they worked with me to figure out how to finish the semester. I was able to work with them and my professors so that I would be fine. 

After I figured out how to deal with school, I went home for two weeks. I literally just slept, watched Grey's Anatomy (because I wished Meredith Grey was my doctor), and read lecture slides. 

Several doctors appointments and a trip to the emergency room later, I went back to school. At first, I struggled to understand what was going on in lecture. One of my professors was using an extended metaphor that wasn't in the slides. Another was focused on things that weren't in the syllabus. 
I was so stressed (which weakened my immune system so yay)

But then I went to my professors. I explained the situation and they were all so accomodating. They put my health above their classes, which I wasn't used to at all. Every single one of them cared about me and wanted me to recover. 

And with a little hard work and determination, I did so much better in my classes than I had anticipated.
(mono was basically a 7 week hangover so here's a cute pic of me trying not to puke after a football game)

So here's my advice to anyone who might ever be sick in college

  1. Email or call your dean as soon as you can. They know how to deal with issues like this way better than you do. Even if it's not serious enough for them to take action, it helps to know you have a resource on campus. 
  2. Email your professors. They can get notes from one of your peers or offer insight about the slides you could only get from attending lecture.
  3. Email your TAs if you have them. They control your grade and it's important they know what's up. 
  4. Don't go to lecture if you don't feel up to it. You won't be able to focus, you won't get anything from it, and you'll be exhausted from walking across campus. 
  5. Sleep as much as you can, take whatever medication you can, and relax.
  6. Check in with your friends if you get a chance. You'll rarely see them and you'll feel lonely. Text your group chat and just ask how everyone's day was. They'll respond and you'll be able to talk to them. Trust me, this helps keep you sane when you're confined to a tiny little dorm room.
  7. Call your mom. She's worried sick (pun intended) about you. 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Living Life with FOMO

College is super duper exciting. 

One of your favorite fraternities is always having a party, there's always some bar special you "just can't miss," one of your friend's organizations is having an event you want to go to, etc.

But here's the thing--as much as you try, you can't do everything. And that's when the FOMO hits.

fo-mo (/FOmo/): the fear of missing out

I'll be completely honest, I get really bad FOMO. 
I hate it when I see a snapstory of some event I was invited to but missed. 
I hate it when my friends have a new inside joke that I'm not in on because I had a paper to turn in and didn't go out.
I hate it when I get confused when I'm listening to people tell stories about events I missed.

FOMO is a natural thing, and we all experience at some point or another. Everyone wants to be included (I think it's some sort of cave man instinct we have, or something equally as scientific).

But when you try to do everything, you'll wear yourself out. You can't go out every night of the week; your grades will slip, you'll get sick, or you'll stop enjoying it.

You don't have to go to everything. One of the greatest pieces of advice I ever received was that when you say no, it makes you seem more confident and it makes it seem like you have your life together.

And besides, at the end of the day, all a girl really needs is Netflix and a slice of pizza while sitting in bed. 
(Because really, you weren't going to start that paper until midnight)