Monday, April 11, 2016

I Don't Have a Guilty Pleasure and Neither Should You

So here's a cute pic of me on the Lawn with my copy of The Declaration of Independence and Other Great Documents of American Importance, 1775-1865. I'm obviously doing school work here, right?

You see, I have a special fascination with the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, George Washington's Farewell Address, and the Gettysburg Address. 

Yeah, I know that's pretty nerdy. Like super nerdy. Like "maybe you shouldn't tell anyone about that, Elle, people will think you're weird" nerdy. 

But the thing is, I don't care what other people think about the things I like. 

I like documentarys about prominent political figures (highly recommend Ken Burns' The Roosevelts, an Intimate History!), musicals about Founding Fathers, blogs about history jokes, Disney movies, Disney World, the Indiana Jones movies, planning vacations, Star Wars, Nancy Drew books, One Direction (at least while they were around) and HGTV. 

I really don't care if people think that anything on this list should be considered a guilty pleasure. I don't really think anything should be considered a guilty pleasure at all. 

I just don't understand the concept. Why do we think it's okay to tell people they should be embarrassed for liking something? Why are people afraid to tell other people what things they like? 

I will literally talk for hours about how Alexander is a really underrated political figure and how Thomas Jefferson doesn't deserve his bad reputation. I would love to tell you all about my vacation to Disney World. I am always ready to crack a joke about a Greek god. 

I'm not ashamed of any of the things I like. I mean, sure, other people might think I'm socially inept for talking about things I love so openly, but I don't. 

Because sure, I can talk to you about history, movies, or music, but I can also talk to you about conflicts in the Middle East, the ongoing election, or the importance of education in developing nations. 

Any way, my point is that I've heard way too many people say "okay don't make fun of me, but I'm really into [insert 'guilty pleasure' here]," and that's not cool. No one should have to justify things they like. No one should have to feel stupid for liking something with a passion. 

While it is much easier said than done, don't let others' negative perceptions affect the things you like or talk about. 

You don't have to please anyone but yourself, ever. 

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