
Hi there!

My name's Elizabeth, but please call me Elle, and this is my blog.

It's here to chronicle my adventures and express my thoughts and to serve as a guide as I grow up (think of Ned's Declassified, but a lifestyle blog).

I have the entire world ahead of me and I'm trying to find my way (aren't you? I mean you're here, you must be trying to find it, too). It might not be an easy path, but it's the adventure to the destination that matters.

I'll be honest with you, I have absolutely zero idea what I'm doing, but I'm learning lots of things as I live my life and I'm going to share them with you, so think of me as your cool relative who bestows you with wisdom.

I'm trying to live by Walt Disney's Cinderella key point: "have courage and be kind." (I suggest you try it too)

I hope you enjoy this blog and that you enjoy your adventure!

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