College is super duper exciting.
One of your favorite fraternities is always having a party, there's always some bar special you "just can't miss," one of your friend's organizations is having an event you want to go to, etc.
But here's the thing--as much as you try, you can't do everything. And that's when the FOMO hits.
fo-mo (/FOmo/): the fear of missing out
I'll be completely honest, I get really bad FOMO.
I hate it when I see a snapstory of some event I was invited to but missed.
I hate it when my friends have a new inside joke that I'm not in on because I had a paper to turn in and didn't go out.
I hate it when I get confused when I'm listening to people tell stories about events I missed.
FOMO is a natural thing, and we all experience at some point or another. Everyone wants to be included (I think it's some sort of cave man instinct we have, or something equally as scientific).
But when you try to do everything, you'll wear yourself out. You can't go out every night of the week; your grades will slip, you'll get sick, or you'll stop enjoying it.
You don't have to go to everything. One of the greatest pieces of advice I ever received was that when you say no, it makes you seem more confident and it makes it seem like you have your life together.
And besides, at the end of the day, all a girl really needs is Netflix and a slice of pizza while sitting in bed.
(Because really, you weren't going to start that paper until midnight)
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