I had a weird attachment to my hair.
I was constantly monitoring its length, "Look! It's past my boobs now!" "It's to my elbows!"
I had always had it short when I was younger, but once I hit the eighth grade I let it grow out (with the necessary trims every six weeks).
But this winter, I cut off eleven inches of hair. Eleven.
Now for someone who was attatched to her hair (i.e. me), this was a HUGE deal.
I debated it for weeks. "Long hair is the trend!" "What if I don't fit in?!" "What if it looks awful?"
Somehow, I convinced myself that it was something I should do. So I called up my hair stylist, and asked her to cut it all off (She was shocked. I was the girl who cried when she just got a trim).
And I got so many compliments! I had expected everyone to hate it because they all had long hair. But they couldn't hate it, I was happy and I had a new hairstyle that suited my tastes.
The bottom line is, if you want to change your look, do it. You don't have to have long hair because everyone else does (although short hair is becoming more popular, and I will pretend like I had something to do with it), but if you want to have long hair, by all means do!
*Note: there are a lot of people who don't have hair. If you cut your hair, I strongly urge you to donate it if you can. Visit Locks of Love for more information*